International Cold War spy films produced between 1945 and 1989 with a title that starts with the letter N
Films are arranged alphabetically using their original language title. When a film is a co-production, the title selected is based on the predominant nationality of the film and it's makers.
A list of known titles can be found below and preceeding the images within each subsection.
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Na krawędzi 1972
Na strazy swej stac bede 1984
Nabubuhay sa panganib 1966
Nad Tissoy (Над Тиссой) 1958
Nado mollae eoneusae (나도 몰래 어느새) 1984
Naegalbil-Eul Mudjima (내갈길을 묻지마) 1976
Naked Runner, The 1967
Naleul deo-isang goelobhiji mala (나를 더이상 괴롭히지 마라) 1971
Nambukcheonri (남북천리) 1966
Namnamseoro Jikhaenghara (남남서로 직행하라) 1967
Nan hai chang cheng (南海长城) 1976
Naneun dasi salgo sipda (나는 다시 살고 싶다) 1984
Napoleon Doble 1966
Nasty Rabbit, The 1964
Natascha - Todesgrüße aus Moskau 1977
Nathalie rescapée de l'enfer 1978
Nathalie, agent secret 1959
Nati con la camicia 1983
Negresco - Eine tödliche Affäre 1968
néma dosszié, A 1978
Nerds of a Feather 1988
Net, The 1953
Neulovimye mstiteli (Неуловимые мстители) 1967
Never Let Me Go 1953
Never Say Die 1988
Never Say Never Again 1983
Never Too Young to Die 1986
New York chiama Superdrago 1966
Next Man, The 1976
Ni hong deng xia de shao bing (霓虹灯下的哨兵) 1964
Nick Carter et le trèfle rouge 1965
Nick Carter va tout casser 1964
Night Boat to Dublin 1946
Night in Casablanca, A 1946
Night in London 1967
Night of the Full Moon, The 1954
Night People 1954
Night Time is For Killing 1975
Night Train to Paris 1964
Night We Dropped a Clanger, The 1959
Night Wind 1948
Nine Deaths of the Ninja
Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984
Ninja Academy 1988
Ninja butai gekko (忍者部隊月光 ) 1964
Ninja Champion 1985
Ninja Force of Assassins 1988
Ninja Mission 1987
Ninja's Force 1984
No Dead Heroes 1986
No Place to Hide 1970
No Room to Run 1978
No Safe Haven 1987
No Way Out 1987
No.1 of the Secret Service 1977
Nobody Runs Forever 1968
noche de los sexos abiertos, La 1983
noche de San Juan: Santo en Oro negro, La 1975
Nødlanding 1952
Noon Sunday 1975
Nora Zain - Ajen Wanita 001 1967
North by Northwest 1959
North Sea Hijack 1979
Noshtta sreshtu 13–i (Нощта срещу тринадесети) 1961
Not Now, Comrade 1976
Nothing Venture 1948
Notorious 1946
Notte d'estate con profilo greco, occhi a mandorla e odore di basilico 1986
Notturno 1983
Novye priklyucheniya neulovimykh (Новые приключения неуловимых) 1968
Nu Hei Xia mu lanhua (女黑俠木蘭花) 1966
Nu Hei Xia wei zhen diyu men (女黑俠威震地獄門) 1967
Nu Hei Xia Xie Zhan Hei Long Dang (女黑俠木蘭花血戰黑龍黨) 1967
Nu sha shou (女殺手) 1966
Nu sha shou huxue jiu guer (女殺手虎穴救孤兒) 1966
Nude Bomb, The 1980
Nuestro agente en Casablanca 1966
nuit des espions, La 1959
Nuits Rouges 1974
Nyama nishto po-hubavo ot loshoto vreme (Няма нищо по-хубаво от лошото време) 1971