Agente ‘0’ en Nueva York 1966
Agente 00 Sexy 1968
Agente 0013: Hermelinda linda II 1986
Agente 077 dall'oriente con furore 1966
Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary 1965
Agente 3S3 massacro al sole 1965
Agente 3S3 Passaporto per l’inferno 1966
Agente Logan - missione Ypotron 1965
Agente S 03: Operazione Atlantide 1965
Agente segreto 070: Thunderbay missione Grasshopper 1965
Agente segreto 777 - Invito ad uccidere 1966
Agente segreto 777 - Operazione Mistero 1965
Agente Sigma 3 - Missione Goldwather 1965
Agente X 1–7 operación Océano 1965
Agente Z 55 missione disperata 1965
Agenten kennen keine Tränen 1978
agentes secretos contra Guante Verde, Los 1974
Agentti 000 ja herra K. Sormi 1965
Agentti 000 ja kuoleman kurvit 1983
Agentul straniu 1974
Agguato a Tangeri 1957
Agguato sul Bosforo 1969
Ai Man Niu Huo bing Gong Fu Liang (艾曼妞火拼功夫良) 1982
Airwolf 1984
Ajia himitsu keisatsu (Japanese version) / Yazhou Mimi Jingcha (Hong Kong version) (アジア秘密警察) 1966
Akce B 1951
Akce Bororo 1973
Akce Kalimantan 1962
Akce v Istanbulu 1975
Akcja 'Brutus' 1971
Akhter rajul fe alalam (اخطر رجل في العالم) 1967
Aktsiya (Акция) 1987
Akuma kara no kunshô (悪魔 から の 勲章) 1967
Akvalangi na dne (Акваланги на дне) 1965
Agente ‘0’ en Nueva York (1966 Mexico / Puerto Rico) aka Agent '0' in New York
Agente 00 Sexy (1968 Mexico)
Agente 077 dall'oriente con furore (1966 Italy / France / Spain) aka From the Orient with Fury
Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary (1965 Italy / France / Spain) aka Mission Bloody Mary
Agente 3S3 massacro al sole (1966 Italy / France / Spain) aka Agent 3S3 Massacre in the Sun
Agente 3S3 Passaporto per l’inferno (1965 Italy / France / Spain) aka Passport To Hell
Agente Logan - missione Ypotron (1965 Italy / France / Spain) aka Ypotron
Agente S 03: Operazione Atlantide (1965 Italy / Spain) aka Operation Atlantis
Agente segreto 070: Thunderbay missione Grasshopper (1965 Italy / Hong Kong) aka Secret Agent 070 Thunderbay – Mission Grasshopper
Agente segreto 777 - Invito ad uccidere (1966 Italy) aka Ticket To Die
Agente segreto 777 - Operazione Mistero (1965 Italy) aka Secret Agent 777
Agente Sigma 3 - Missione Goldwather (1965 Italy / Spain) aka Agent Sigma 3
Agente X 1–7 operación Océano (1965 Italy / Spain) aka Agent X–17
Agente Z 55 missione disperata (1965 Italy / France / Spain) aka Agent Z55 Desperate Mission
Agenten kennen keine Tränen (1978 West Germany / Israel / Italy) aka The Uranium Conspiracy
agentes secretos contra Guante Verde, Los (1974 Argentina) aka Operation Green Glove
Agentti 000 ja herra K. Sormi (1965 Finland) aka Agent 000 and Mr K. Finger
Agentti 000 ja kuoleman kurvit (1983 Finland) aka Agent 000 And The Deadly Curves
Agentul straniu (1974 Romania) aka Strange Agent
Agguato a Tangeri (1957 Italy / Spain) aka Trapped in Tangiers
Agguato sul Bosforo (1969 Italy) aka Ambush on The Bosphorus
Ai Man Niu Huo bing Gong Fu Liang (艾曼妞火拼功夫良) (1982 Spain / Hong Kong) aka Made in China
Airwolf (1984 United States)
Ajia himitsu keisatsu (アジア秘密警察) (1966 Hong Kong / Japan) aka Asia-Pol
Akce B (1951 Czechoslovakia) aka Operation B
Akce Bororo (1973 Czechoslovakia) aka Operation Bororo
Akce Kalimantan (1962 Czechoslovakia / Indonesia) aka Operation Kalimantan
Akce v Istanbulu (1975 Czechoslovakia) aka Operation Istanbul
Akcja 'Brutus' (1971 Poland) aka Operation Brutus
Akhter rajul fe alalam (اخطر رجل في العالم) (1967 Egypt) aka The Return of Mister X
Aktsiya (Акция) (1987 Soviet Union) aka An Action
Akuma kara no kunshô (悪魔 から の 勲章) (1967 Japan) aka Medal From the Devil
Akvalangi na dne (Акваланги на дне) (1965 Soviet Union) aka Scuba at the Bottom