Coplan - Czech

Coplan FX18 casse tout  1965
Coplan ouvre le feu à Mexico  1967
Coplan prend des risques  1963
Coplan sauve sa peau  1968
Cornered  1945
Corrida pour un espion    1965
Cosa Nostra Asia  1974
Cosa Nostra, Arch Enemy of the FBI  1967
Count Five and Die  1958
Countdown at Kusini  1976
Counterblast  1948
Counterfeit Killer, The  1968
Counterfeit Traitor, The  1961
Counterfeiters, The  1948
Counterspy  1953
Counterspy Meets Scotland Yard  1950
coup du parapluie, Le  1980
Cover Girl Models  1975
Cover Girls  1977
Covert Action  1988
Crash! Che botte strippo strappo stroppio  1974
Crime Killer, The  1985

Crisis 1970
Crooked Road, The  1965
Crooked Web, The  1955

Crossfire 1966
Crossplot  1969
Crucero de verano  1964
Cry of the Innocent  1980
Čtyři v kruhu   1967
Cuánto cobra un espía?   1984
Cuba Crossing  1980
Cui ming fu (催命符) 1967
Cuore di spia  1953
Curse of The Pink Panther, The  1983
Customs Agent  1950
Cyclone  1987
Czarny wąwóz   1989
Czech Mate  1984

Coplan FX18 casse tout (1965 France / Italy) aka The Exterminators

Coplan ouvre le feu à Mexico (1967 France / Italy / Spain) aka Mexican Slay Ride

Coplan prend des risques (1963 France / Belgium / Italy) aka  Coplan Agent 005

Coplan sauve sa peau (1968 France / Italy) aka Coplan Saves His Skin

Cornered (1945 United States)

Corrida pour un espion  (1965 France / Italy / West Germany) aka Code Name: Jaguar

Cosa Nostra Asia (1974 Philippines)

Cosa Nostra, Arch Enemy of the FBI (1967 United States)

Count Five and Die (1958 United Kingdom)

Countdown at Kusini (1976 United States / Nigeria)

Counterblast (1948 United Kingdom)

Counterfeit Killer, The (1968 United States)

Counterfeit Traitor, The (1961 United States)

Counterfeiters, The (1948 United States)

Counterspy (1953 United Kingdom)

Counterspy Meets Scotland Yard (1950 United States)

coup du parapluie, Le (1980 France) aka The Umbrella Coup

Cover Girl Models (1975 Philippines / United States )

Cover Girls (1977 United States)

Covert Action (1988 United States)

Crash! Che botte strippo strappo stroppio (1974 Italy / Hong Kong) aka The 3 Fantastic Supermen in the Orient

Crime Killer, The (1985 United States)

Crisis (1970 Philippines)

Crooked Road, The (1965 Yugoslavia / United Kingdom)

Crooked Web, The (1955 United States)

Crossfire (1966 Philippines)

Crossplot (1969 United Kingdom)

Crucero de verano (1964 Spain / Italy) aka Summer Cruising

Cry of the Innocent (1980 Ireland / United States)

Čtyři v kruhu (1967 Czechoslovakia) aka Four in a Circle

Cuánto cobra un espía? (1984 Spain) aka Is Cobra A Spy?

Cuba Crossing (1980 United States / West Germany)

Cui ming fu (催命符) (1967 Hong Kong) aka Summons to Death

Cuore di spia (1953 Italy) aka Heart of a Spy

Curse of The Pink Panther, The (1983 United Kingdom / United States )

Customs Agent (1953 United States)

Cyclone (1987 United States)

Czarny wąwóz (1989 Poland / Czechoslovakia) aka Mark of Cain

Czech Mate (1984 United Kingdom)

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