Beyond the Curtain 1960
Beyond the Time Barrier 1960
Bian zai feng huo (边寨烽火) 1957
Big Game, The 1972
Big Jim McLain 1952
Big Lift, The 1950
Billete para Tánger 1955
Billion Dollar Brain 1967
Billion Dollar Threat, The 1979
Bimil Cheobbodae (비밀첩보대) 1966
Bimiltongnoreul Chajara (비밀통로를 찾아라) 1962
Bimujang jidae (비무장지대) 1965
Bing shan shang de lai ke (冰山上的来客) 1963
Bionic Ninja 1986
Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman 1989
Birdmen, The 1971
Black box affair: il mondo trema 1966
Black Eagle 1988
Black Samurai 1977
Black Sunday 1977
Black Windmill, The 1974
Blackmail 1966
Blade on the Feather 1980
Blindfold 1965
Blinker's Spy-Spotter 1972
blonde de pékin, La 1968
Blondy 1974
Blood of Fu Manchu, The 1968
Blood on the Sun 1945
Blow Out 1981
Blue Camellia, The (Short) 1954
Blue Demon contra Cerebros Infernales 1968
Blue Demon contra las diabólicas 1968
Blue Demon destructor de espías 1968
Blue Thunder 1983
Blunderball, or From Dr. Nofinger with Hate (Short) 1966
Blunt The Fourth Man 1987